Umiliazione: perché è importante?
5,523 92%
It is important that you know why you should and deserve to be humiliated, because you have to feel the control and dominance of an alpha male over everything you do. And the answer is very simple, apart from the fact that there are many reasons, one of them is that humiliating yourself is the best way to get rid of being self-centered, only an alpha male can be self-centered. By humiliating you I remind you of your position, under my feet, by humiliating you I remove any feeling of pride that you may have within your body, by humiliating yourself you remember that you must act like an object, the object that your master wants you to be, an object of fun, an object of ridicule, a sexual object. and among many other reasons to show you that you live for the cock, and the virility of a man.
Trascrizione Video
Sappiamo gia' che sei nato frocio, ma ti chiedi mai perche' devi essere umiliato?
Ti sei mai chiesto perche' un Alpha dovesse prendere il controllo dei tuoi sentimenti?
Delle *** azioni, dei tuoi movimenti, di tutto quello che fai
Perche' devi lasciare che il tuo scopo e il tuo destino in quella cazzo di vita si trasformino in desideri?
Ti faro' sapere perche'.